Choosing weight loss program

If you are thinking of joining any of the weight loss programs, here is something for you to notice about the weight loss program you are going to join:

Choosing weight loss program

  1. If this weight loss program is going to help you change your eating activities. It should teach you how to make permanent change in your eating habits and life style as a way to lose weight permanently.

  2. If the people under whom you are to undergo weight loss program are highly qualified in their profession. The helping staff must have nutritionists, registered dietitians, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and exercise physiologists.

  3. If this program is going to help you specially when you feel depressed or return to your old bad eating habits.

  4. If this weight loss program is going to help you make permanent change in your eating habit and physical activities to avoid weight gain.

  5. Are the food options are flexible? The program should consider about your like and dislikes.

  6. How many people actually complete the program (%)?

  7. What is the average weight of people after completing the weight loss program?

  8. How many people have problems or side effects with the weight loss program (%)?


Written by Brad

This blog is my weight loss journey and hope this journey will help in losing some extra pounds.