Females fat talking socially compulsory

This is every time hoped when some woman have talk, after some general talking, their topic of discussed goes to whose skinny jeans do not fit anymore. And who among them is heavier on the scale. And the involvement is socially compulsory, according to a new study (MSNBC.com).

Researchers call this “fat talk,” a term coined to describe a behavior common in middle school-aged Caucasian females. But the trend seems to occur in older females as well.

“We have found in our research that both male and female college students know the rule of fat talk—that females are supposed to say negative things about their bodies in a group of females engaging in fat talk,” said study co-author Denise Martz of Appalachian State University.


Written by Brad

This blog is my weight loss journey and hope this journey will help in losing some extra pounds.


Anonymous said...

That is very interesting. Women should try to change that trend and get other women more comfortable being positive about their bodies and not afarid to speak out and love themselves as they are right now. Lady Rose