More than half of adults in European Union overweight

According to top health experts from European Union (EU), More than fifty percent of adults in EU are obese or overweight and so they are playing the biggest part in making European Continent fattier (From Yahoo News).

Lack of proper diet and little or no physical activities have biggest role in making adults more overweight. More and more children are getting overweight everyday and it will lead to more adults getting victim of heart attack and other health related problems.

According to EU health officials, more than 21 million children are overweight and around 400,000 children are getting overweight every year. That’s the biggest worrying factor.

EU health officials talked to many food producers and spots organizers to promote healthy foods among people and some of them even promised to do so. But the people are not making healthy choices at all.

They are more willing to eat more fatty foods and no or less willing to eat healthy food with fruits and vegetables.


Written by Brad

This blog is my weight loss journey and hope this journey will help in losing some extra pounds.