Scottish just behind US in obesity among developed world

According to the new stats available, obesity level is second highest among Scottish people just after US in the developed world. Now the Government is making plan to remove the junk foods like sweets, soft drinks out of their schools (BBC NEWS).

According to the new rules, children in schools will be offered more fruits and vegetables and there will be a cut in the amount of chips being served in their meals. With this report, Scotland becomes the most obese country just behind US in the developed nations.

There has been big increase in the obesity percentage in all groups of the population. According to the stats available, obesity has increased by 46 percent in adults and it has reached from 35 to 64 in men ages and 35 to 44 among women ages. Children minister there Mr. Adam wanted to change young people habits.

It is good to see that steps are being planned to stop obesity among people in Scotland. To get out of the obesity problem, we all need to make change in our lifestyle by including more physical activities and making healthy choices when it comes about eating.


Written by Brad

This blog is my weight loss journey and hope this journey will help in losing some extra pounds.


Anonymous said...

Very good points and great blog. My husband and I have started walking to work (about 1 mile one way) least until it gets really cold. But we're trying to change our ways.

Jack Payne said...

worse stigma of the weight loss phenomenon today is all the weight loss hustlers out there (read, con men) who are trying to cash in.
Slim Slippers--how to lose weight through your feet by way of reflexology and magnets--caffeine-loaded sun screens--even caffeine-saturated tights. The list of such zany scams goes on. Endlessly.