Higher BMI people have less chances of getting disease but higher chances of dying

According to a research report, Higher BMI (Body mass index) does not raise the risk of prostate cancer. But once this disease occurs, High BMI people have higher chancing of dying. "This is a large study that shows a convincing dose-response association between obesity and adult weight gain and death from prostate cancer," lead investigator Dr. Margaret E. Wright told Reuters Health (MSNBC.com).

As all of know BMI of 25 is considered to be normal, 30 being overweight and above it obese. People with BMI of 40 or greater have 33% lesser chances of prostate cancer as compared to a man having BMI less than 25. Conversely, the risk of dying of prostate cancer rose significantly with increasing BMI. This amounted to a 25 percent greater risk for men with a BMI between 25 and 29.9, a 46 percent increase for BMIs between 30 and 34.9, and more than double the risk if BMI was 35 or more.

There was also a significant association between weight gain in adulthood and prostate cancer mortality. "The growing prevalence of obesity in Western countries is alarming," Wright said, "and reducing the risk of prostate cancer death is only one among many health reasons to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise."


Written by Brad

This blog is my weight loss journey and hope this journey will help in losing some extra pounds.


Anonymous said...

i want to lose weight but its hard for me because i have so much stress i recenently lost my baby and i am over weight i try to lose weight i eat 3 meals a day and 100 calorie snacks and i exercise but im not losing nothing